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Public subscription in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2022-06-15Updated:2022-06-15
Similar words: subscriptionsubscription pricesubscriptascriptioninscriptiondescriptionsuperscriptionprescription
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1. A statue in his memory was erected by public subscription.
2. New companies were set up by public subscription, and there was a substantial increase in the number of films produced.
3. Oxleas Wood was saved from development by public subscription in the 1920s.
4. From the ashes there arose, by public subscription, a new Daily Citizen, responsible and relatively free.
5. The library was paid for by public subscription.
6. Enquiries relating to applications for public subscription permit may be directed to the Charitable Fund-raising Control Team at 2832 4311 or 2832 4333.
7. In cutting out a public subscription side to the deal, they have stirred up debate on a broader question: When should small investors be prevented from taking the same risks as deep-pocketed ones?
8. The church's 120 foot gothic spire was paid for by public subscription in 1939.
9. The chancel was rebuilt in 1870, and the rest of the church thoroughly restored in 1882 by public subscription.
10. The church of St Peter was built in 1875 by public subscription, and contains several fine stained glass windows.
11. However, Shou-risk status of the first major shareholder Wong Kwong Yu does not undertake to renounce the right to public subscription.
12. Please also be advised that the Sub-Fund will be reopened for public subscription starting from the dealing day of 30 April 2009.
13. Finding the advantage of this little collection, I proposed to render the benefit from the books more common, by commencing a public subscription library.
14. Please read the Explanatory Notes for the Application of Public Subscription Permit at Appendix before completing this application form.
15. I hereby agree to comply with the conditions stipulated therein should a Public Subscription Permit be granted to me.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. They re having a memorial to him put up by public subscription.
17. The issuer shall not issue stocks before issuing a public subscription notice.
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